Live Generously

Hello guys,

I am happy to share with you an amazing message I learned during Hilllsong Conference’s first night. First, I don't like to talk much about religion, but I guess it's better for me to invite you with open arms to my Sunday meetings, rather than pointing fingers at you. Hilllsong is an amazing family that began in Australia, and it came to NYC a few years ago. A good friend of mine brought me to this amazing party a few months ago, and I enjoy it with passion. This is not only cause it is a welcoming place to ALL, but it is so current and in love with Jesus that it is impossible not feel something if you get to go. You can learn more about Hilllsong church and Hilllsong United band at

Now let's get to business, you guys know this space is meant to learn about ways to give back. However, giving back doesn't always have to involve money. I can give back by generously sharing though and knowledge, as well as, offering love to others. It occurred to me that I can shamelessly share with you guys about how happy I am when I find a time to end my weekend worshiping the One who gives me all I have, while I start a new week with a Monday full of a great message. 

Realistically, as human beings, life doesn't allow us to fully reach happiness every second of our journey. In contrary, struggles come to all of us, even to those of us who try to walk with Jesus. It is why I am sharing the message I learned at Hilllsong conference as I can only hope it will serve you as much as I am hoping it will help me... 

Happiness, how to reach Joy!!! 

Happiness, try to follow these steps and see Joy come to your life constantly... 

1. Live outwardly: allow yourself to live from the inside out, instead of allowing the exterior determine how you live.

2. Live generously: not about money, but about given anything that makes others happy, such as time and love. "The world of the generous gets larger and larger."

3. Live committed to others people's happiness: If you are depressed, go and find someone who has bigger struggles than you do and work towards that person happiness. 

4. Live worshipfully:  happy are those people who hear the word and the call of God to worship!  Worshiping God is the best way to get out of dark moments and sad feelings!! 

5. Live peacefully: don't allow small daily arguments to perturb your peace! When you feel anger cause of your surroundings or someone else, it is like drinking poison and hoping that somebody else will die from it...

6. Live gracefully: remember how happy you were when you saw something you really love for the first time? As time passes by, we forget how to be graceful for something when we have become familiar with!! 


In conclusion, guys, Happiness is not always easy to find, especially if we are looking in the wrong places everyday. Do for others and offer things to others that will bring happiness to them... And just be happy about that. As a result, you will have less time to focus on your own predicament on the journey to happiness. 

Remember, giving back is not only about money, but it is also about generously giving your time and love to others.

See you next post,



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